Sunny days…afterschool

cover afterschool

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On Tai: Hat:|Shaun White, similar here| Pullover hoodie: |Shaun White, similar here| Jeans: |Gapkids, here| Boots: |Zara, similar here|

On Mia(she got away with this as her school uniform):|Shirt: Zara, here| Leggings: |Target, here| Shoes: |Tom’s, here|

Bikes: Black: |Micargi Cruiser, here| Mint: |Electra, here| Green: |Tony Hawk BMX, here| Blue: Girls Cruiser, here|

When the kids’ don’t have any scheduled afterschool activities, we love to just hangout and do something easy and fun.  Sunny days are the best and can just brighten the later part of the day.  Sometimes we’ll hop on our bikes and head to our neighborhood park.  My husband likes to bring the Jambox and play music while we’re riding.  The kids’ attend different schools, so on the rare occassion that Mia gets to come pick up Tai at his school, she loves the chance to play at his schools’ awesome playground.  During my workday, if I happen to pass by a bakery or cafe with a cool treat, I’ll pick some up to have for the kids afterschool.  When I was kid, my mom would sometimes come home after work with something special and I remember always being excited for that, so I enjoy doing that now for my kids.  I am treasuring these moments I get to spend with the kids afterschool, I find that it can be the best time to talk and get insight on their days.

Fluently lived,


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